Please note, bundles do not include Braincalm™ Intensive Training
Only €649 (a saving of €50) – Please note this discounted offer is available until 5th December 2022 and training …
This course is available only to those who have completed the Braincalm™ Intensive Course (formerly known as Regulation Stations).
The Braincalm™ Intensive Refresher course will be accessible online in the new school year. The offer includes …
Course includes 4 Learning Blocks over a total of circa 6 hours
This Braincalm™ Physical Intensive programme includes training for the following roles:
SNAs/Classroom Assistants
If you need further details, …
This course has been specifically designed for Special Needs Assistants to enable and empower these valuable staff members to become more knowledgeable, confident and skilled in their role. This course provides SNA’s with useful tools and …
6 Courses and 15 Brain Breaks now available as one School Bundle
This Braincalm™ School Bundle includes ONLINE, SELF GUIDED COURSES for the following roles:
SNAs/Classroom Assistants
Braincalm Sounds help children, teens and adults strengthen weak neural pathways (connections in the brain). Weak brain pathways can cause *delayed speech *anxiety *poor coordination * difficulty with concentration which can cause difficulties in education, …